2018 Coach It Right Baseball Coaches Clinic

I was honored to be a part of 2018 Coach It Right Baseball Coaches Clinic this year and share more information about what we do here at Coach Baseball Right. Solomon Alexander of the St. Louis Sports Commission invited me to host another clinic for about 150 to 200 baseball coaches around the St. Louis area. I have really come to enjoy working with Solomon and the Sports Commission. I am also honored regarding what he thinks about Coach Baseball Right. You can see his testimonial.
We have worked really hard to make this website a one-stop resource for coaches, parents, and league organizers and administrators. There are a ton of free coaching guides, free drills, and free coaching tips. Be sure to check out some of our free resources:
- Hitting Basics Guide
- Youth Practice Template
- 4 Critical Components to Winning a Game
- 7 Phase Setup Guide to the Best Pre-Game
- Free Drills by Position (Catcher, Throwing/Receiving, Hitting, Base Running,
- General Infield, Corner Infield, Middle Infield, Outfield)
- Coaching Academy
We want Coach Baseball Right to be a resource to all coaches regardless of their level, so if a coach you know wasn’t able to attend the 2018 Coach It Right Baseball Coaches Clinic, please feel free to share this information!
Watch Live or Watch Later…
We broadcasted the 2018 Coach It Right Coaches Clinic live here on our (WATCH IT HERE) Facebook Page and from our Twitter account. So please check them both out! Like our Facebook Page at facebook.com/coachbaseballright and/or follow our Twitter account @CoachBallRight. Also, you want engaging and thoughtful coaching talk, we have a growing community of over 12k coaches in our Facebook Group.
2018 Coach it Right Coaches Clinic Program
Download the 2018 Coach It Right Clinic Program.
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About Steve Nicollerat

Steve Nicollerat
Educator, Coach, National Master Certified Epstein Hitting Instructor, and Founder of Coach Baseball Right
I've learned a lot throughout my 40 years of teaching and coaching. I want to share what I have learned to help new coaches help keep their kids engaged and playing while helping them develop personally through the game I love.
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