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Baseball Drills
- Base Running
- general Infield
- Middle infield (2B + SS)
- Corner infield (1B + 3B)
- Catcher
- Outfield
- Youth (4U - 8U)
- Hitting
- Team Throw/Receive
Base Running Drills
1. Get Off Bag: This drill demonstrates how runners should get off base when establishing a lead off. Younger players will use a left, right (crossover), and shuffle. Older players will use a right, left, right (crossover) and shuffle.
2. Getting Off Base on Steal vs. Not Stealing: This drill demonstrates the footwork used to get the proper lead off for a younger player when stealing. Then it will compare this to the proper lead off when not stealing. By having the runner move closer to the pitcher when stealing, a larger lead will look just like the smaller lead to the pitcher.
3. The Lead After or Secondary Lead: This drill demonstrates the secondary lead for an older player using the right, left, right (crossover), shuffle lead off. The first part talks about the position the player should be in when the ball crosses the hitting zone. The second part is a continuation drill that will use a pitcher, catcher and ball and the runners will have to make a read on what to do.
4. The Lead After: This drill demonstrates the proper lead-after technique of a base runner on first base.
5. Lead After From 3B: This drill demonstrates the footwork used in getting a lead after or secondary lead from 3b. The first part uses a right, left and right footwork going down the line in foul territory and returning right over the foul line. The second part of the drill now puts a pitcher, catcher and baseball into the drill and forces the runner to make a read.
6. Getting Back to 1B on a Throw Over From Pitcher: This drill demonstrates the footwork used by a runner getting back to 1b on a throw over by the pitcher. The second part of the video discusses how to teach this to younger players.
7. Delay Steal: This drill demonstrates the footwork used when executing a delayed steal. This steal is used with a slow runner, or a normal runner and outstanding catcher.
8. Delay Steal vs. Lead After or Secondary: This video talks about the difference between a delayed steal and a normal lead after or secondary lead. Starting point, when to move, and purpose will be discussed.
9. Lead for Stealing: This drill demonstrates how to get the proper lead when stealing. Footwork for the older and younger players is discussed. When leading off to steal players will be closer to the home plate side of 1B.
10. When Should the Runner Go? How to Steal: This drill demonstrates the actual time when a runner should run or steal the base. I like to say that there are keys when the runner should go. The key we will be using will be the front heel of the pitcher.
11. One Way Lead: This drill demonstrates the lead off used to draw a throw from the pitcher. We do this when we want to see how the pitcher’s move to 1B looks. We use this information later on when we want to steal.
12. Reading Feet of 1B: This drill demonstrates what a runner does as he runs from home to 1B on a ball hit to an infielder. Look at the feet of the 1B and decide if you should run thru the bag, or avoid the swipe tag of the first baseman on poor throws.
13. Reading LH Pitcher: This drill demonstrates the types of lefty pitchers there are, and how you can teach your base runners to steal a bag from a left-handed pitcher.
14. Reading RH Pitcher: This baseball drill is about stealing a base off of a right-handed pitcher.
It teaches when the base runner should run. The ‘key’ that the player should look for is actually the heel of the pitcher. If the left heel goes up, the base runner can steal second base.
15. Walking Lead From 2B: This drill demonstrates the footwork used by a base runner on 2B trying to steal 3B using a walking lead. Cones are used in this drill to establish a buffer area for the runner. As the pitcher looks away, the runner increases the lead. When the pitcher looks back at the runner, the runner will move closer to 2nd base. The runner will attempt to steal 3B from a moving position.
16. Breaking the Tape: This drill demonstrates how a batter runner should run to first base. The should ‘break the tape’ and run through the base. not sliding or slowing down before they get to first base. Finally – they should break down and look over their right shoulder in case there is an overthrow to first base.
17. Thinking a Double: This drill demonstrates what batter runners should do out of the batter’s box on any ball hit to the outfield. They should think it is a double until the fielder plays it into a single. There are times when a runner will expect a single and the fielder will make a misplay, now the runner will turn it on. This might be too late. We would like all of our runners to think a double on anything hit to the outfield right out of the box. This will put pressure on the defense.
18. Double Steal Fake Drill: This drill demonstrates the footwork used in a base running double steal fake drill and what the runner on 3B should do in a 1st and 3rd situation. We want the runner on 1B to be able to steal 2B, so we fake a double steal with our runner on 3B. We hope the defense will cut the throw from catcher to 2B allowing our runner from 1st to steal the base.
19. Double Steal Score Drill: This drill demonstrates the footwork used by a runner on 3b in a 1st and 3rd situation. We will start the runner from 1st base and as the throw goes past pitcher our runner from 3rd will score.
20. Base Running vs Lefties Special Drill: This drill demonstrates a special play used against left-handed pitches. It involves moving back to 1B when the pitcher lifts his leg giving him the impression that we can not make a good read. This is really just a setup as the video will explain.
21. Base Running From 3B on Squeeze Play: This drill demonstrates the footwork runner on 3b when attempting to steal on a squeeze play. The runner will start with a bigger lead, be moving, but must not commit to run until the pitcher is committed to pitching the ball. A runner cannot be picked off base with this play.
22. Stealing Home: This drill demonstrates the footwork by a base runner attempting to steal home.
23. Lead After Lead vs Stealing Lead: This drill demonstrates the difference between stealing and lead after on first base.
24. Home to First Base: In this video, Steve Nicollerat shares proper base running instruction from home to first base. This may seem basic or obvious, but this should be a great step by step instruction on how to help you players from beginner to the most advanced.
25. First Base to Second Base: In this video lecture, Steve Nicollerat discusses how to teach base running first base to second base. These videos are designed to help coaches who are just starting out to the most experience better understand and teach base running.
26. How to Teach Base Running From Second Base When Ground Balls are Hit: There are not a lot of resources on base running, especially situational base running. This is a very important topic. In this video, Steve Nicollerat discusses how to teach base running from second base when ground balls are hit.
27. How to Teach Base Running From Second Base When Fly Balls are Hit: In this video, Steve Nicollerat discusses how to teach base running from second base when a fly ball is hit.
28. How to Teach Base Running Third Base to Home: In this video, Steve Nicollerat discusses the best way on how to teach base Running from third base to home. Often overlooked, base running is an extremely important aspect of baseball. Regardless of the level of play, base running is often the most exciting part of the game.
General Infield Drills
1. Approach: This drill demonstrates what the infielder does when he approaches the ball. The approach occurs in between the hop and triangle. Do this for both younger and older kids.
2. Backhand Approach (in front of ball): This drill demonstrates an approach on backhand side (to right) and player can get in front of the ball.
3. Backhand Charge: This drill demonstrates a backhand charge on backhand side (to right) that player cannot get in front of the ball.
4. Backhand Throw Left Foot Forward: This drill demonstrates a fielder fielding a ball backhanded. The left foot is forward so he will continue with his right foot to get into throwing position.
5. Backhand Throw Right Foot Forward: This drill demonstrates a fielder fielding a ball backhanded with his right foot forward. He can load up or gain ground to make throw.
6. Circle Back Run Down: This drill demonstrates how infielders should play in a rundown after throwing a ball (like a dart) and explains the need to circle back.
7. Crossover: This drill demonstrates how infielders can make a sharp crisp movement left or right and still be in front of the ball.
8. Forehand Throwing: This drill demonstrates infielders moving to the left and getting their feet and hips around to make a throw.
9. Glove Side Approach: This drill demonstrates an infielder going to his left to the ball. As the fielder goes to the left, fielder must not overrun ball.
10. Glove Side Retreat: This drill demonstrates an infielder going to his left to field the ball. This batted ball is a hard hit ball. The fielder will have to retreat to field the ball and use a two-step release.
11. Hop: This drill demonstrates how an infielder prepares and gets ready to field when pitcher throws ball to home.
12. Sharp Angle Cut: This drill demonstrates an infielder's approach on a slow rolling hit. The infielder makes a sharp angle (V cut) to ball so his momentum is moving towards first base.
13. Transition Drill: This drill demonstrates how an infielder's transitions/transfer the ball from their glove to their hand to throw.
14. Triangle Position: This drill demonstrates an infielder's position after the approach and their position to field the ball.
15. Two-Step Throw: This drill demonstrates how infielders go from triangle to throwing the ball. Note: As they funnel the ball, have chest go to the ball to continue momentum.
16. Wake Up Your Feet: This drill demonstrates an infielder going to his left to field the ball and continuing moving his feet to gain momentum to make throw to first base. The player must get his feet around and continue moving them.
17. Wake Up Your Feet (With Ball): This drill demonstrates an infielder going to his left to the ball and continuing his momentum to make throw to first base. Get his feet around and continue moving them. Note: player should follow their throw and their nose moves towards target after throw.
18. Life Tag and Swipe Tag
Middle Infield Drills
1. 2B Feed Ball to the Right: This video demonstrates 2B feed to SS on a double play ball. This ball is hit to the right of the second baseman, but the second baseman is able to get in front of ball. Two methods are side flip and underhand toss.
2. 2B Feed Ball to 2nd: This video demonstrates the 2B feed to SS on DP on a ball hit right at 2B.
3. 2B Feed Ball to Left: This video demonstrates the 2B feed to SS on DP on a ball hit to 2B left. Two methods: drop step or jump turn.
4. 2B Feed Ball to Far Left: This video demonstrates the 2B feed to SS on a double play ball hit to the left of the second baseman. This is called a backdoor feed. Keep balance through the feed.
5. 2B Feed Ball to Far Right: This video demonstrates the 2B feed to SS on a double play hit to the far right, of the second baseman. The second baseman cannot get in front of the ball. He will make an underhand flip toss.
6. 2B Pivots - Across the Bag: This video demonstrates a 2B pivot when the ball is hit to the right of SS or 3B, and so they are moving away from 2B, the 2B will come across the bag to receive their throw.
7. 2B Pivots - Ball to Pitcher: This video demonstrates a 2B pivot when the ball is hit to the Pitcher, and the 2B needs to take the throw.
8. 2B Pivots - Reverse Pivot Drill: This video demonstrates a 2B pivot when the ball is hit to the left of SS or 3B, and the 2B needs to use a reverse or backward pivot to receive the ball.
9. Infield Circle Back Drill: This video demonstrates infielders react and throw during a rundown by throwing darts and circling back after throws.
10. Covering the Bag on Steals: This video demonstrates the footwork for an infielder covering 2B on a steal attempt. We do not want the fielder to vacate immediately, rather specific footwork is used to keep the fielder in fielding position as long as possible.
11. In-between Hop (Free): This video demonstrates infielders approach to field an in-between hop ground ball, not a short or long hop.
12. Middle Infield Rundown-Reaction Drill (Pickoff): This drill demonstrates the middle infielders’ reaction in a rundown situation. Middle infielders need to make a read – decide what the runner is doing – middle infielder will make an 85-foot throw or sprint at the runner.
13. Short Hops Drill: This video demonstrates infielders approach to field a short up ground ball; short hop 2 hands no throw, short hop 2 hands with throw to first base, short hop to their left 1 hand, short hop to their left with a tag, short hop to their left 1 hand throw to first base.
14. SS Feed to Far Left: This video demonstrates a ball hit to left of shortstop in Double Play situation they make a side flip. This is when the SS cannot get in front of the ball.
15. SS Unassisted Play on Ball to Left: This video demonstrates ball hit to left of SS in DP situation. The ball is fielded by SS who will get his hips around, tag 2nd base and throw to 1st base. He uses the bag as a buffer to keep the runner away as he completes the play.
16. SS Feed Ball to Left: This video demonstrates ball hit to left of SS in DP situation, ball is fielded by SS who will make his own throw to 1B.
17. SS Inside Pivot: This video demonstrates ball hit to 1B, SS receives throw from 1B holding a runner, SS makes catch and does inside pivot.
18. SS Outside Pivot: This video demonstrates ball hit to 2B, SS receives throw from 2B, SS makes catch and does outside pivot.
19. SS Pivot Ball to Pitcher: This video demonstrates drill ball hit to Pitcher, SS receives throw at him, to left or right and makes pivot throw to first.
20. SS Using Underhand Flip to 2B: This drill demonstrates how shortstop should make an underhand flip toward the second baseman to begin a double play.
Corner Infield Drills
1B Infielder Drills
1. Agility without the ball: Demonstrates basic footwork for first basemen without using the ball. This drill will also instruct the coach on how to set up the drill from a team perspective.
2. Agility with the ball: Demonstrates basic footwork for first basemen using the ball. This drill will also instruct the coach on how to set up the drill from a team perspective.
3. Poor Throws: This video demonstrates what the first baseman does on an errant throw down the line towards home plate. He will leave the base, make a catch, and swipe tag the runner on the hip, then comes up looking for a second play.
4. Pick Offs: This drill demonstrates the first baseman’s reaction in a rundown situation. The first baseman needs to make a read – decide what the runner is doing – the first baseman will make an 85-foot throw or sprint at the runner.
5. Picks/Catching in the Dirt: Catching in the dirt (aka “Picks”) This is a drill that shows first basemen picking balls in the dirt. Notice the glove action going out through the ball.
6. Cut Footwork: This drill demonstrates the cut footwork for first basemen used when receiving the ball from the outfield on throw to home. Notice the throwing hand foot will go to the ball, the player will block this foot and then throw to plate. This footwork will reduce the total number of steps taken.
7. Double Play Lead Throws: This video demonstrates the first baseman making 3 different kinds of lead throws to second base to start a double play. Keep in mind there are 2 different positions where the first baseman starts: holding a runner on and playing behind the runner when it is 1st and 2nd or bases loaded.
8. First Base Flip Drill: This drill demonstrates first baseman feeding the pitcher covering 1st base when the ball is hit to first baseman. Notice the first baseman gaining ground, locking his wrist and following his flip.
9. 1B Missed Bunt Reaction: This video describes the first baseman moving back to first base after the hitter fails at bunt attempt.
10. 1B Reaction to Bunts: This drill demonstrates the footwork the first baseman uses when fielding a bunt with a man on second. here are 3 different types of footwork (for right-handers). Note: A left-handed first baseman could make an off-balance throw to third (not included in the video).
11. 1B Getting off the Bag: In this drill, the first baseman is holding the runner on. When the ball is pitched, the first baseman must assume fielding position. In some cases, for example, after a failed bunt attempt, the first baseman needs to go from a fielding position back to the base in case the catcher throws towards first base.
12. Cut Footwork Practice Drills: This is a 3 man practice drill for cut footwork.
3B Infielder Drills
1. 3B Backhand Plays: This drill demonstrates the footwork the third baseman uses when fielding a ball hit to his right. If the 3b has his right foot forward, he can gain ground or load up. If the 3b fields ball with his left foot forward, he will take one more step with right foot, putting him in the same position as above. Now, he can gain ground or load up.
2. Catching Fly Balls: This drill demonstrates how the third baseman catches a fly ball running in foul territory. Fielder will crossover and while running catch the ball while looking over left shoulder.
3. Position with Man on 2B (Bunt Situation): This drill demonstrates the setup for a 3B with a runner on 2B in a bunt situation. It will show the reaction of the 3B if the runner from 2B is stealing or not stealing. This drill demonstrates the 3B to playing the hitter, the bunt, and covering 3B on a steal.
4. 3B Cut Footwork: This drill demonstrates the footwork the third baseman uses when cutting a throw from left field to the catcher. He will take his meat hand foot (right foot) and step to the ball, block that foot and throw home.
5. Run Down Reaction: This drill demonstrates the footwork the third baseman uses when engaged in a rundown with a runner from third to home.
6. Hit Ball - 3B Throws to 1B: This drill demonstrates the 3B going to left and getting his feet around to throw to 1B. The video did not show the 3B getting his hips around very well.
7. Hit Ball - 3B Throws to 2B: This drill demonstrates the footwork the third baseman uses when fielding 3 different types of balls, and then throwing to second base. On a ball to his left the 3B will keep his feet moving, on a ball hit at the third baseman he will open up his left side, and on a backhand ball down the line he will get his weight back underneath, open up and throw.
8. Off Balance: [Placeholder description!] This drill demonstrates the 3B fielding the ball and throwing to 1B off balance.
Catcher Drills
1. Catching Stances: This video demonstrates the 3 different catching stances (sign giving, nobody on, and 2 strikes or runners on base.
2. Soda Can Drill: This drill demonstrates the hand movement associated with a catcher after a target is given to the pitcher. The catcher will give the target and just prior to pitch will relax the catching hand. This will allow the catcher to handle all pitches well.
3. Window Frame Drill: This drill demonstrates the movement of the glove around the outer edges of the strike zone. The proper way to turn the glove as a ball is caught in various locations is the main idea of this video.
4. Bow and Arrow Drill: This drill demonstrates the proper feel for a catcher as he transfers the ball from glove to throwing hand. The drill starts with the ball in glove and progresses to coach throwing the ball.
5. One Knee Drill: This drill the 1 knee drill a catcher can perform with a coach or another catcher. The video is for a catcher just starting out where technique is more important than quantity.
6. Framing Pitches: This video demonstrates the proper techniques used to frame pitches. Framing pitches involves beating the ball to the spot and keeping the pitch a strike. This is a very subtle skill that great catchers seem to do very well.
7. Ankle Sway: This drill demonstrates how a catcher can sway or move properly. If a catcher sets up for an inside pitch, and the pitch is on the outside corner, the catcher must move to catch the ball without turning his upper body. This drill demonstrates how to do that movement. If the catcher were to do this incorrectly, he could lose the strike for his pitcher.
8. T-Drill (Throwing to 2B): This drill demonstrates the footwork used by the catcher as he makes a throw to 2B on a steal. This drill will give a great visual for catchers as they learn how to make this throw. Remember, the ball should be in glove prior to the catcher bring his right foot up.
9. Man on 2B Setup (Throw to 3B): This drill demonstrates the footwork the catcher will use to throw to 3B on a steal attempt when the pitch is outside of his frame (toward the left-handed hitter’s batter box).
10. Footwork on Throws to 3B (Basic): This drill demonstrates the footwork the catcher uses for throws to 3B on a steal attempt. This is just a basic drill with pitches within the frame of the catcher. On balls outside the frame, the catcher would bring up his right foot, catch the ball and throw in front of the hitter.
11. Pitch Out Drill: This drill demonstrates the proper footwork a catcher needs to use when there is a pitch out for a runner on base.
12. Blocking Drills: This video demonstrates the proper technique for catchers to block balls in the dirt. This should be practiced at all levels!
13. Agility Drill: This drill helps catchers improve their agility behind the plate. One of the MOST FUNDAMENTAL drills!
14. Sit and Be Hit (With Ball): This drill should be used right after the agility drill and before the catching from 15 feet drill. It allows players to experience how it feels to be hit with a ball in the dirt and how they should attempt to handle that pitch. Use tennis balls when you first start to work with a player early in the year.
15. Blocking From 15ft: This drill demonstrates a proper blocking technique from the 15-foot range. This drill should follow the agility drill.
16. Pounce Drill: This drill demonstrates a catcher reacting to a ball in the dirt after it has been blocked. After the basic drill, a second part of the drill deals with what to do with the ball after the catcher pounces out and gets to the ball. The catcher must make a quick read that will determine if and where the ball will be thrown.
17. Pick Up The Ball: This drill demonstrates how a catcher can use his glove to help in picking up the ball. We put down 4 or 5 balls down the first base line and let the catcher move down the line picking up the ball by pushing the ball into his hand with his glove.
18. Bunt Angles: This drill demonstrates the footwork used for the catcher as he handles bunts down the 1B line, down the 3B line, and right out in front of the plate.
19. Double Play Pivot Drill: This drill demonstrates the footwork needed for a catcher to make a double play pivot. Feet in the proper position and the use of a power step are really important. Games can be won or lost on this play.
20. Catching a Pop-up: This drill demonstrates the fundamentals of catching a pop-up.
21. Catcher Tag Plays: This drill demonstrates the position the catcher would assume on a play at the plate when contact cannot be avoided. Pay close attention to the correct angle of the feet. This will help protect the catcher from possible injury.
22. Catch and Swipe: This drill demonstrates how a catcher will actually swipe tag on a play at the plate. This play is used when there is no time to do anything else but catch and swipe.
23. Getting the Second Play: This drill demonstrates the footwork needed for a catcher to be in a position for a second play after a tag play at the plate.
Outfield Drills
1. Outfield Grip - Finding Four Seams
2. Outfield Ready Position - The Hop: This drill demonstrates how an outfielder should get ready at each pitch.
3. Ground Ball Footwork Starting Out: This drill demonstrates how an outfielder should properly field a ground ball with emphasis on footwork with coach rolling the ball just to get basics down.
4. Ground Ball Footwork at 60ft: This drill demonstrates how an outfielder should properly field a ground ball with emphasis on footwork with coach rolling a ball at 60ft.
5. Ground Ball Footwork with Fungoes: This drill demonstrates how an outfielder should properly field a ground ball with emphasis on footwork using fungoes.
6. Step and Throw (1st Phase): This drill continues to build on how outfielders should step and throw for the first phase.
7. Step and Throw (2nd Phase): This drill continues to build on how outfielders should step and throw for the middle phase.
8. Step and Throw (3rd Phase): This drill continues to build on how outfielders should step and throw for the last phase.
9. Circle vs Reverse Pivot: This drill demonstrates the different footwork outfielders take when a ground ball is hit to their left or right.
10. First Move/Step: This drill talks about outfielders first steps to a ball.
11. First Move/Step for Younger Kids (No Ball): This drill talks about how younger outfielders should take first steps to a ball, but without a ball.
12. First Move/Step for Younger Kids (With Ball): This drill talks about outfielders who are younger should take first steps to a ball. Try to get them to touch the ball.
13. Quick Toss Drill (With Ball): This drill gets outfielders to work on catching at different angles at high speed and intensity.
14. Simple Overhead Drill: This drill shows the route and footwork outfielders should take when a ball is hit over their head.
15. Reverse Overhead Drill: This drill shows how outfielders’ footwork should be when they need to make a reverse on a ball hit over their head.
16. Movement Drill: This drill challenges players to catch the ball and to practice movement.
17. Movement Drill Challenge (With Ball): Continuation of drill with fly balls. Throw the ball by reading the skill level of the kid in the line they stand.
18. Star Drill: This drill involves cones in the shape of a star and a pitching machine. This helps outfielders take different angles to a ball without moving the machine.
19. Finding the Spot Drill: This drill demonstrates what outfielders should do when they cannot follow the ball in the air because it was hit hard and is really moving. So they have to find the spot and just go!
20. Get to Spot Overhead: This drill builds on the simple overhead drill. In this drill the coach should really challenge the player to put their head down and get to the spot.
21. Ground Ball Footwork - Throw to Cut (BONUS: Coach's Advice): This drill demonstrates how an outfielder should properly field a ground ball with emphasis on footwork.
22. Outfielder Relay Drill: This drill demonstrates how an outfielder should handle a ball hit to the wall and how they should throw the ball into a tandem infielder relay team.
23. Outfielder Communication Drill: This is a communication drill that incorporates only outfielders.
24. Outfielder Communication Drill with Infielder: This drill is another communication drill that incorporates an infielder. This is perfect to simulate a shallow fly ball where the fielders have to take certain priorities.
25. Outfielder Wall Drill Test: This drill highlights how outfielders and coaches should handle the warning track and the wall.
26. Diving in the Outfield: This video drill demonstrates how outfielders should properly dive so they can get to the ball safely.
27. Outfielder Second Plays Defensive Positioning: This video explains how to set up a drill on how to teach outfielders to react to second plays (overthrows, positioning)
28. Outfielder Positioning on Bunts: This video explains outfielder positioning on bunts.
29. Long Toss: This drill demonstrates what outfielders should do when playing long toss. This is a very important developmental activity all players should do, especially outfielders.
Start Baseball Right! Youth Baseball Drills
(Designed for Ages 4U - 8U)
Base Running Drills
1. The Lead Off
2. Back to Bag
3. Lead After Part 1
4. Lead After Part 2
5. Baserunning - Put a Pitcher Out There
6. Stealing a Base
7. Stealing a Base - Step and React
8. Run Throughs Part 1
9. Run Throughs Part 2
10. Run Throughs Part 3
11. Run Throughs Part 4
Throwing and Receiving Drills
1. Throwing No Ball
2. Throwing With Ball
3. Throwing With Each Other
4. Throwing Long Toss
1. Receiving Ball No Glove
2. Receiving Ball With Glove
3. Receiving Catch and Cover
Team Throwing and Receiving Drills
1. Around the Horn: Phase 1 - ball goes from home to 3rd to 2nd to 1st and back home. Players should flow to ball catching ball in front of their body. The feet of the throwing player are already lined up to make the next throw. However, when you reverse the throws the players must work to get their feet around to allow them to throw.
2. Line Drill: Players on outside bring glove foot to ball. Players on the inside take the meat hand foot to ball and block foot.
3. Playing Catch for a Purpose: Demonstrates how to play catch by position (pitcher, middle infielder, catcher, 1b and outfielder).
4. Rapid Fire Drill: This drill is really a quick transfer drill. The player catching the ball will catch ball with glove foot forward, gain ground, throw ball and circle back to the line.
5. Ready, Break, Throw with Ball: This drill show’s how to teach young players how to throw a ball. They are placed with their feet in the proper position and then go thru some basic throwing movements (ready, break, throw).
6. Ready, Break, Throw with Each Other: This is the ready, break, throw drill with players throwing to each other and coach calling. Pay attention to player catching the ball and watch how he moves to the ball.
7. Receiving: This drill will teach young players how to catch a ball. Players learn how to move their feet as well as how to turn and position their gloves.
8. V-Drill: This drill is a variation of the Rapid Fire Drill in V-Formation. Switch the players every 30 or 40 seconds. Don’t let this drill drag.
Infield Drills
1. Ready
2. Ready Crossover
3. Ready, Approach, Triangle
4. The Infielder Approach
5. Approach to Triangle
6. Soft Hands
7. Charge Ball Using Cones
8. Throwing From SS Back Hand
9. Throwing From 3B
10. Circle Drill
11. How 1B Stands on First Base
12. First Base Drill No Ball
13. First Base Drill With Ball
Outfield Drills
1. OF Drop and Cross
2. OF Drop, Cross, Run
3. Drop, Cross, With Ball
4. Drop, Cross, With Fungo
5. One Knee Tough Ground Balls
6. Charging the Ball and Breaking Down (No Ball and With Ball)
7. Circle Up Fly Balls
Hitting Drills
1. Hinge
2. Hinge and Dip
3. Hitting Stance
4. Counter Rotate
5. The Approach
6. Swing
Work Individually
Type of Bat to Use
Team Base Running Drills
1. 1st to 3rd Part 1
2. 1st to 3rd Part 2
3. 1st to 3rd Part 3
Pitcher Fielding Practice (PFP) Drills
1. PFP Cover First Base No Ball
2. PFP Cover First Base With Ball
3. PFP Cover First Base Delayed Ball
4. PFP RH Fielding Bunt
5. PFP LH Fielding Bunt 1B Line
6. PFP Run Ball Over
Baseball Games
First to Third Game
Ground Ball to Second
Outfield Throwing Home
Pitcher Covering First Base
Hitting Drills
1. Hitting Basic Terms (Approach, Contact, and Power V)
2. Batting Grip
3. Hitter's Head
4. The Batting Stride
5. Load and Advanced Stride
6. Trombone Drill
7. Trombone to Contact Technique
8. Trombone to Contact (Dropping the Bathead)
9. Power V
10. Proper Power V Explanation and How to Avoid "Rolling Over"
11. Elbow Queue and Bat Drag Explanation
12. Punch Drill
13. Ball Drill (Avoid Bat Drag)
14. Elbow Target Drill
15. Elbow Queue Drill
16. Top Hand Isolation (RH Hitter)
17. Bottom Hand Isolation (RH Hitter)
18. Bottom Hand Isolation (with Ball)
19. Chair #2 (Turn, Slot, and Finish)
20. Chair #2 (with Ball)
21. No Legs (with Impact Bag)
22. No Legs (with Tee)
23. No Legs (with Ball)
24. Hinge Drill (Explanation)
25. Hinge (from side view)
26. Hinge and Rotate
27. Hinge, Rotate, and Lift
28. Hinge, Rotate, and Lift (with Impact Bag)
29. Hinge, Rotate, and Lift (High/Low with Impact Bag)
30. Torque Drill
31. Stride and Early 2 Drill
32. Wall Drill
33. Wall Drill Continuation (no wall)
34. Stride, Early 2, Full 2
35. Hitting Approach
36. Approach to Power V
37. Full Swing
38. Swing to Contact (Impact Bag)
39. Swing to Contact (with Ball)
Team Throwing and Receiving Drills
1. Around the Horn: Phase 1 - ball goes from home to 3rd to 2nd to 1st and back home. Players should flow to ball catching ball in front of their body. The feet of the throwing player are already lined up to make the next throw. However, when you reverse the throws the players must work to get their feet around to allow them to throw.
2. Line Drill: Players on outside bring glove foot to ball. Players on the inside take the meat hand foot to ball and block foot.
3. Playing Catch for a Purpose: Demonstrates how to play catch by position (pitcher, middle infielder, catcher, 1b and outfielder).
4. Rapid Fire Drill: This drill is really a quick transfer drill. The player catching the ball will catch ball with glove foot forward, gain ground, throw ball and circle back to the line.
5. Ready, Break, Throw with Ball: This drill show’s how to teach young players how to throw a ball. They are placed with their feet in the proper position and then go thru some basic throwing movements (ready, break, throw).
6. Ready, Break, Throw with Each Other: This is the ready, break, throw drill with players throwing to each other and coach calling. Pay attention to player catching the ball and watch how he moves to the ball.
7. Receiving: This drill will teach young players how to catch a ball. Players learn how to move their feet as well as how to turn and position their gloves.
8. V-Drill: This drill is a variation of the Rapid Fire Drill in V-Formation. Switch the players every 30 or 40 seconds. Don’t let this drill drag.
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Baseball Drills!
We are happy to provide many of our massive library of baseball drills for free to visiting users. Most of these drills are appropriate for all ages groups, however we also have several drills specifically targeted for ages 5-8. Each drill is comes with an easy to follow video as well as a short explanation of what the drill will accomplish.
Coach Steve Nicollerat, founder of Coach Baseball Right, has used these drills as a successful high school baseball coach and to run his youth summer camps for almost 40 years! He has developed a system of teaching baseball which emphasizes fundamentals and positive development, both athletically and personally.
Often a simple practice is a catching warm up, a few infield drills, and then hitting. In reality, A great practice is structured, organized and utilizes specific drills to improve plays and skills for every position. A well run practice utilizing position-specific drills can help prepare your kids for in-game situations, from infielders fielding poor throws from other players, dealing with the in-between hop, outfielders finding spots to make catches, catchers improving agility and more.
Click on the Position Category below - Check out the Free Drills!
- Base Running
- Infield
- Middle (2b + SS)
- Corner (1B + 3B)
- Catcher
- Outfield
- Youth (4U - 8U)
- Hitting
- Throwing/Receiving
Base Running Drills
Get our Base Running Drills!
Get access to 28 fundamental, progressive video drills for base running that will show your kids what to do and how to do them!
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FREE Base Running Drills!
Reading RH Pitcher: This baseball drill is about stealing a base off of a right handed pitcher. It teaches when the base runner should run. The ‘key’ that the player should look for is actually the heel of the pitcher. If the left heel goes up, the base runner can steal second base.
NOTE: As kids get older, you may encounter a kid that has a balk move. A balk occurs if the pitcher breaks the left foot, and then picks off at first. This illegal move is one that many umpires even at the high school level will miss.
If the opposing pitcher is doing this move, its your job as a coach to educate the umpire. The umpire depending on your level literally may not know that the pitcher is balking. If the umpire refuses to call the balk after your discussion, then you implement plan B.
Plan B involves switching out your key to the front shoulder of the pitcher.
Reading LH Pitcher: This drill demonstrates the types of lefty pitchers there are, and how you can teach your base runners to steal a bag from a left handed pitcher.
Home to First Base: In this video, Steve Nicollerat shares proper base running instruction from home to first base. This may seem basic or obvious, but this should be a great step by step instruction on how to help you players from beginner to the most advanced.
First Base to Second Base: In this video lecture, Steve Nicollerat discusses how to teach base running first base to second base. These videos are designed to help coaches who are just starting out to the most experience better understand and teach base running.
How to Teach Base Running From Second Base When Ground Balls are Hit: There are not a lot of resources on base running, especially situational base running. This is a very important topic. In this video, Steve Nicollerat discusses how to teach base running from second base when ground balls are hit.
How to Teach Base Running From Second Base When Fly Balls are Hit: In this video, Steve Nicollerat discusses how to teach base running from second base when a fly ball is hit.
How to Teach Base Running Third Base to Home: In this video, Steve Nicollerat discusses the best way on how to teach base Running from third base to home. Often overlooked, base running is an extremely important aspect to baseball. Regardless of the level of play, base running is often the most exciting part of the game.
Take-a-ways on How to Teach Base Running from Third base to Home
We often break down how to teach base running from third base to home in 3 different scenarios: as the ball crosses the hitting zone, a ground ball hit, and a fly ball hit. Here is a brief overview of the above video that you can take away and bring to your team in practice.
As the ball crosses the hitting zone, the runner at third base goes into a poised, slow lead after.
If the ball is hit on the ground, we coach our runners at third base 3 different ways to score on a ground ball:
- “Through” let the ball go through the infield before moving to score.
- “Corners” the ball must get through corners or past pitcher (if up the middle)
- “Down contact” anticipate the ball off the bat and must be hit down on the ground. If it flairs up or is hit in the air, runner immediately returns to third base.
On all fly balls, we teach our runners their first step is to come back to third base. If the fly ball is too short to tag on the play, we coach our runners to be 3 steps off and read.
Membership Base Running Drills
1. Get Off Bag: This drill demonstrates how runners should get off base when establishing a lead off. Younger players will use a left, right (crossover), and shuffle. Older players will use a right, left, right (crossover) and shuffle.
2. Getting Off Base on Steal vs. Not Stealing: This drill demonstrates the footwork used to get the proper lead off for a younger player when stealing. Then it will compare this to the proper lead off when not stealing. By having the runner move closer to the pitcher when stealing, a larger lead will look just like the smaller lead to the pitcher.
3. The Lead After or Secondary Lead: This drill demonstrates the secondary lead for an older player using the right, left, right (crossover), shuffle lead off. The first part talks about the position the player should be in when the ball crosses the hitting zone. The second part is a continuation drill that will use a pitcher, catcher and ball and the runners will have to make a read on what to do.
4. The Lead After: This drill demonstrates the proper lead-after technique of a base runner on first base.
5. Lead After From 3B: This drill demonstrates the footwork used in getting a lead after or secondary lead from 3b. The first part uses a right, left and right footwork going down the line in foul territory and returning right over the foul line. The second part of the drill now puts a pitcher, catcher and baseball into the drill and forces the runner to make a read.
6. Getting Back to 1B on a Throw Over From Pitcher: This drill demonstrates the footwork used by a runner getting back to 1b on a throw over by the pitcher. The second part of the video discusses how to teach this to younger players.
7. Delay Steal: This drill demonstrates the footwork used when executing a delayed steal. This steal is used with a slow runner, or a normal runner and outstanding catcher.
8. Delay Steal vs. Lead After or Secondary: This video talks about the difference between a delayed steal and a normal lead after or secondary lead. Starting point, when to move, and purpose will be discussed.
9. Lead for Stealing: This drill demonstrates how to get the proper lead when stealing. Footwork for the older and younger players is discussed. When leading off to steal players will