
Pitching is a very hard thing to do well much less coach well. There are a lot of thoughts and ideas "out there" that can be very helpful to players' development. At the same time, there are a lot of ideas that can be detrimental to a players development. Just because someone says they are a ex-ball player or describes themselves as an expert, please do your homework. There are a ton of great resources out there for you - especially in pitching - you should only settle when you find reliable resources. 

Pitching Resources

How do you know if a resource can be helpful to you and your players' development in pitching? You have to find resource that is thorough with up to date information, thought provoking, and believe it or not from real coaches and educators!

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Below are our Coach Baseball Right pitching resources. We hope you find these resources to be thorough, up to date, and thought provoking! And as you know, I am both a coach and an educator and I take great pride in that. Please take a look at these resources. Use them, share them, adjust them to fit your players, ask me a question about them - post it on our exclusive Coaches Community!

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