Episode 3: Interview with Major League Umpire Gerry Davis
In Coach Baseball Right's Episode 3: Interview with Major League Umpire Gerry Davis, Steve Nicollerat discusses Gerry Davis' background and highlights of being one of the top MLB umpires.
Coach Baseball Right Podcast Episode 3 Sponsor
e3 ConsultantsGROUP
This podcast is powered by e3 ConsultantsGROUP. e3 wants to awaken the inner-entrepreneur in anyone who is ready to take control of their financial picture! e3’s family office model is prepared to serve individuals, families, and business owners with the right mindset – regardless of your net worth.
Visit their websites – www.e3cg.com or www.e3wealth.com or contact John Moriarty directly at 314-805-9349 to learn more. Tell him “Coach Nicollerat sent you.”
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