VIDEO: Hitting Seminar with Steve Nicollerat
(October 24, 2017)
In the video above, Coach Baseball Right Founder and National Master Certified Epstein Hitting Instructor Steve Nicollerat hosts his Hitting Seminar where he provides thoughtful and thorough ideas on hitting and hitting instruction.
Below is the Hitting Seminar Template that was used for his talk.
Take aways
- Make sure you understand the Hitting Basics - (we have a Free Hitting Basics Guide, if you need a place to start. Shameless plug.)
- Make sure you know what your hitting instructors are doing. They should be able to explain the why and the how of their teaching.
Coach Baseball Right Hitting Resources
As a longtime teacher and coach, I have learned a ton from a lot of people. I am still teaching and coaching and I am still learning from others. In fact that one of the reasons why I became a National Master Certified Epstein Hitter about 20 years ago is to better understand hitting and how I can better help my players and now coaches through Coach Baseball Right better understand hitting.
I have created several hitting resources that will help you better understand your own hitting. Please take a look at the best hitting resources for your needs. And as always, let me know if there is anyway I can help you!
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About Steve Nicollerat, Founder of Coach Baseball Right
Steve Nicollerat
Educator, Coach, National Master Certified Epstein Hitting Instructor, and Founder of Coach Baseball Right
I've learned a lot throughout my 40 years of teaching and coaching. I want to share what I have learned to help new coaches help keep their kids engaged and playing while helping them develop personally through the game I love.
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