Does your Organization or League…

Start the baseball program with an engaging and formative baseball experience (or does it have tee ball)?

Is your baseball and softball program with the most engaging experience possible? A lot of organizations and leagues rely on the same outdated experiences. These experiences no longer produce the same results.

Tee ball is one of those programs. Too many kids standing around. Not engaging.

I had lunch with a mom of a 7 year old that told me, “my son loves to play baseball, when it’s his turn…when he’s not up to bat he’s bored out of his mind and playing in the dirt

How does your organization or league engage other youth, developing and experienced players?

  • Manage time vs. Teaching at practice
  • Schedule too many games and not enough practice
  • scrimmage

What can organizations and leagues do to become the best organization and league?

Recommended Action Steps:

  1. Engage kids with Coach Baseball Right’s alternative tee ball / youth baseball program Start Baseball Right. In this program, we combine practice and games into sessions loaded with quickly paced- fundamentals building experiences. For more information on how to structure these sessions go to our Coach Baseball Right Start Baseball Right page.