Always Be the Best and most Credible
High School and Program Head Coach
With Subscriptions and Products from Coach Baseball Right!
Transform your Baseball Program with Product Deals Below:
Program Certifications
Our Certification Program will help you get your program coaches and parents on the same page!

Level 3 Certification
Certify your Program with Level 3 and get EVERYONE in your program - all your Administrators, Coaches, and Parents! - on the same page with access to EVERYTHING we offer. Level 3 will completely transform your baseball program! Plus, we'll provide year long follow up for support, strategies, and ideas.
Starting at $749.99/year

Level 2 Certification
Certify your Program with Level 2 and get ALL your Coaches using ALL the Coach Baseball Right resources together in order to help coach and develop consistently throughout your program. Plus, we'll provide year long follow up for support, strategies, and ideas.
Starting at $499.99/year

Level 1 Certification
Certify your Program with Level 1, our most AFFORDABLE certification that starts your head coach and all the other coaches out on the same page very simply and consistently. Plus like the other certifications, we'll provide year long follow up for support, strategies, and ideas.
Starting at $249.99/year
Individual Memberships
Become the best Coach with Membership Access to Coach Baseball Right's Resources

Hall of Fame Level Membership
Access to everything. Forever. Become a Lifetime Hall of Fame Member and transform your kids' experience and development until you stop coaching!
Just $149.99/lifetime

Pro Level Membership
Access all the content on our site for a year. Become a Pro Member and transform your kids' experience and development for the next year!
Just $99.99/year

Rookie Level Membership
Just starting out? Get our PROVEN pre-made weekly practice templates with video drills. Literally pull up to practice and press play.
Just $29.99/year
Hitting Resources
Transform your kids' ability to know, develop, and maintain their swing with the following Hitting Products.

Online Hitting Academy
"The Best Hitting Product we offer!" Want Coach Baseball Right to analyze your player's swing and give you specific drills to improve? This is your best place to do that. You get in-depth video analysis with specific ways to continue to develop your swing each month, plus access to our Swing Like a Pro ($19 value!)
Just $39.99/month

Swing Like a Pro: Home Hitting Program
Get our MOST POPULAR yearly product designed to help all levels of players develop and maintain their swings. This program is designed to be done in your home or at the cages. Swing Like a Pro: Home Hitting Program covers over 20 days of hitting drills and routine.
Just $19/year

Baseball Pitch Recognition App
We are super pumped to partner with industry leading pitch recognition app GameSense to help hitters improve their ability to recognize what pitch is being thrown and where it will go. This is a must for all hitters! Team AND Individual plans available.
Team Plans start at $11.99/month
Practice Resources
Transform your kids' experience and development at any level with the following Practice Drills and Coaching Guides.

Catcher Drills
Get all of our 23 Catcher Video Drills that are in progressive order so that you will know what and how to teach!
Just $7

General Infield Drills
Get all of our 18 General Infield Video Drills that are in progressive order so that you will know what and how to teach! This is a MUST for every coach.
Just $7

Corner Infield Drills
Get all of our 20 Corner Infield Video Drills that are in progressive order so that you will know what and how to teach!
Just $7

Middle Infield Drills
Get all of our 20 Middle Infield Video Drills that are in progressive order so that you will know what and how to teach!
Just $7

Outfield Drills
Get all of our 29 Outfield Baseball Drills that are in progressive order so that you will know what and how to teach!
Just $7

Base Running Drills
Get all of our 28 Base Running Video Drills that are in progressive order so that you will know what and how to teach!
Just $7

Start Baseball Right Drills
Handpicked 60+ drills that we do with all my youth teams and put them all in one place, with clear instructions and how-to videos.
Just $19

Fun Games for Practice
Get our PROVEN Guide that delivers Fun Games while developing fundamentals in an in game experience.
Just $7

Coach's Guide to a Winning Season (The Right Way!)
Get our PROVEN step-by-step Guide for a winning season that helps coach's do it the RIGHT WAY! This guide helps coaches in a step-by-step process throughout the year
Just $7

Drone Video Pre-Game Setup Guide
Get our Drone Video Pre-Game Setup Guide to help you transform your players' experience while sending a message to the opposing team by showing them the Best Pre-Game ever.
Just $7