Pre-Season Parent Letter about Team Expectations
Coaches, Copy/paste this template of a pre-season parent letter about team expectations below in your own document. Be sure to edit your own information where relevant:
I wanted to start the season by sharing this letter with you that outlines my expectations for this exciting season.
The most important thing I want you to know is life lessons. I think baseball, like any sport, is a vehicle we can use to teach kids lessons of life. Life throws us (pun intended!) both success and failures, just as the game of baseball does. I want our kids to learn how to handle themselves when things go well and when things do not go the way they want.
We have to be good models for them. I expect my players to model good behavior and I hope you share that expectation as well.
I expect each player to be a good teammate, putting himself second to team success. I expect them to make other people around them better even if it means that their interests are secondary.
When we encounter bad plays from the other team or bad calls from the umpires…NO ONE will yell or retaliate in response. That player or umpire is someone else’s child. They, like us, are not perfect. Let’s keep that in perspective.
Lastly, lets please avoid gossiping/talking about our own players. At times it is very hard and almost natural to do so, but talking about other players in a negative way is unhealthy and not the culture I want to foster for our team.
Sharing: Updates, Practice Drills, Templates, and Videos
I will be posting updates, news and scores via our team (Options – ADD Team’s Twitter, or Team Facebook page, or Team Email List). Furthermore, I will be creating an email list and emergency contact list for better coordination. If inclement weather is apparent, I will post through social media and text messages for real time updates. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact me at (INSERT your contact info.)
How our team is different…
I wanted to be different from most coaches. I wanted to create a team where each person involved in this team models great sportsmanship. Since parenting and coaching are about modeling to our kids I wanted also to share with you several things.
First, I wanted to share my practice drills and the template(s) I will be using this season. Parents should ask and know what we are doing at practice. Some parents have asked what they can do at home. Now, parents will know when and how to do these drills.
Lastly, I wanted to share a handful of videos on a variety of interesting topics. The videos have been created by Steve Nicollerat of Coach Baseball Right
I have already watched these videos and I think they are extremely beneficial for all of us to understand and to guide us this season. I hope that you find the following not only engaging and thought provoking, but also encouraging that our team will act and handle baseball experiences differently than most teams with regards to sportsmanship.
Check out the videos in Coach Baseball Right’s Coaching Academy Building Parent Relationships section.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. I cannot wait to get started! Please let me know if there is any questions or concerns. See you at the concessions stand!
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Phone: [Your Phone]
Team Twitter: [@Yourhandle]
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